Submit your WOLF Application Comments to the County before the Oct 18th hearing
For those of you who haven't submitted your WOLF application comments, please do so before the October 18th hearing date. These comments are separate from the Sketch Plan comments and yes, it seems repetitive.
If we are going to successfully argue against the WOLF proposal, we need negative comments to back up our claims. The more the County gets, the better. Please take a few moments to write your comments to:
Rob Helmick at
Board of Commissioners at
Also, plan to attend the public hearing. The more folks attending, the better. Be there to support those who plan to speak at the hearing! The County is dragging their feet posting the announcement, but here it is:
In addition to your comments here are some other points to make:
The noise study admits that the animals will be heard, but everyone will get “used” to it.
The noise study had no involvement from those affected by this application..
The noise study is theoretical in nature. No attempt was made with a loud speaker and folks listening at their properties.
No mention of other effects like the barking of neighborhood dogs caused by howling from the WOLF facility. Plenty of grumbling on Nextdoor about barking dogs.
Land Values
The realtor “testimonies” are mostly anecdotal and no real data were presented.
The realtor “testimonies” are from long time WOLF supporters, NOT independent observations!
Barking lowers property values (see attached article)
The recommendation from Parks and Wildlife to leave wildlife corridors on the east and west side of the property were mostly ignored.
The corridors as shown on their map in between enclosures are not going to allow wildlife movement. Not enough room between fences.
The rabies vaccine is not deemed effective by the CDC, USDA, and the AVMA (see attached rabies paper)
The county requires all of us to keep our dogs vaccinated against rabies, but is considering putting 60 “unprotected dogs” in the middle of a couple of neighborhoods.
The danger these animals present if they escape.
The risk the land they've chosen presents in allowing the animals to escape. They are placing the enclosures in the trees and our trees blow over in the wind. If they blow onto the fencing the animals will escape. Wolves climb trees.
The issues our heavy snowfall presents. An 8 foot fence quickly becomes a 5 foot fence when a good snowstorm hits
They plan on using electric fencing. Electric fencing can cause forest fires.
On Nextdoor, the community in Red Feather was having a temper tantrum about traffic over the 4th of July. Additional traffic should be addressed.
The County just raised the speed limit through GVM from 45 to 55 and past the proposed site from 40 to 45.
Your help is absolutely needed!